Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

I wanted to show you a great photo of Mark and his mother and stepfather. His parents flew into Ohio from Washington state for their first great grandson's 1st birthday party in November.
This is a photo of our live Christmas tree. Mark loves buying huge trees for us. I told Mark this year that I really, really meant it when I said I didn't want another 17 ft. tree in our house that hogged up our whole great room. One that required a phone call to all the neighbors to see who might be home to help Mark carry it into the house. Last year's tree took two neighbors and Mark to get it in the house and up in the tree stand. When he cut the twine it was one of those Griswald moments where we thought the branches would bust out the windows and a squirrel might jump out!! When it was time to take it down, Mark had to cut each branch off and throw it out the window onto our patio because there was no way he could get that tree out of the house any other way. So you can see why I was adamant about the size of our tree this year.
Well, here's what it looks like when I'm not laying under it to get that shot to make it look like it's another giant. This year our live tree is a reasonable 11 1/2 ft. tall which Mark was able to carry in by himself. We were discussing whether the neighbors were using their caller ID right after Thanksgiving so they could screen their calls from the Kelly household knowing they didn't want to help carry a monster tree into our house a fourth year. Mark has come to his senses and even admitted that this was a much easier tree to decorate after setting it up.
Perhaps he also wants to remain married to me.
On to photos of a Bon Voyage
combination Christmas Party I was invited to lastnight.
Jill, our friend who is moving to Lexington, KY is on the left and the hostess of the party, Debbie, is on the right. Jill is a really great gal who shares in one of my favorite pasttimes ....quilting. We are really going to miss her!!
We played Guesstures after we ate some really great food and drank adult beverages. Have you ever played that game? It's similar to charades..... you pick 4 cards that have a word on them that you want your teammates to say and you place those cards in a timed plastic gizmo. If you don't get your teammates to say the word you are mimicking in the alloted time, your card falls into the machine and you don't get points for that one. Needless to say we laughed so much at the shenanigans of some of the newbies at the game!
Here's Gail who brought the game and was the most experienced at playing it. She did get her teammates to guess that her word here was BRACES.
Judy was a first time player and seems to be a little frustrated here with her teammates not guessing what she is sure is the most clever of signs to get them to guess what the card says. Kind of looks like she wants to strangle them. Santa was trying to guess what Judy was doing as well! Jill swore she wasn't going to play, but gave in to trying and got the giggles instead. Needless to say, her teammates could not guess what she was acting out. Debbie's word was POISON....need I say more??? and by the way, her team guessed her word. Good acting, Debbie!!!
and finally, the funniest acting job we saw all night by our first time player, Marilyn!
Her word was MERMAID....and her teammates guessed it from her excellent swimming technique shown here facedown on the rug!! I want her on my team next time we play!!

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