Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday...

We're going to a Super Bowl Party to watch the game. Woohoo! My daughter, Jenny, is a huge Steelers fan and that's why I'm knitting her these soxs....too bad they won't be finished for her to wear them. My son is a huge Steelers fan too...I guess I should be wanting the Steelers to win then...but wait, my alma mater's mascot is a Cardinal and my brother and cousin live in Arizona and are Cardinal fans, so maybe I should want them to win! Oh, I'm torn! One thing I know for sure is that I'll enjoy the food and refreshments (read as 'wine') at the party and MAY THE BEST TEAM WIN!!! The photo below shows how pretty the snow is in our back yard area. Mark's been diligently feeding the birds and you can see the squirrel on the back of the arbor bench seat enjoying the bird seeds too. The cardinals have been especially beautiful showing off their red against the snow. I love snow and have really been enjoying our winter wonderland these last few weeks. We had so much snow that my daughter Stefany's OB appointment to have her ultrasound to find out the sex of her baby was cancelled. That was a really long sentence!! We were disappointed, but will now find out on Feb. 3rd. You can bet I'll be posting the news as soon as we know! This quilt below that I'm making for the little Michigan fan since he was born on Nov. 19th, is finally all pieced. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays got in the way of my progress. I like how it turned out and now it's time to machine quilt it. It's 47" x 64" and does not have side borders. I saw a quilt in one of my magazines and thought it was kind of neat that way. The back will be flannel so it will be soft against him when he covers up with it. I love using flannel on the backs of the baby quilts I make. I used minkee fabric once and that was great too!
Below is Clifford the Red Dog. I knitted him for my niece, Magi, who is having a boy in about 8 wks. Are any of you on Ravelry?? It's a really cool website community where knitters and crocheters can go to post photos and patterns. I am addicted to it! I found this pattern there. It was called Floppy Dog and is a pattern from Zoe Moeller's Knitted Toys book. In the book he's done in colors like the dog on Blue's Clue's but I had this yarn left over from a previous project and it was perfect for this little guy. I gave her three Clifford books to go with him. I also made these Buckeye Booties for Magi's little baby because she's an OSU grad and huge Buckeye fan. I found this free pattern on Ravelry as well. This pattern is called Saartje's Bootees for anyone who wants to go looking for it. They are really small and I'm afraid he'll only get to wear them once, but they're so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The socks look Great!! Your other projects are wonderful too! You have been busy....thanks for sharing!! Sue